
Receipt (top)
June 5, 1931
A receipt from the National Training School for Women and Girls for $5.00 to support a student prize. The school provided black females with a practical education in home management skills. Mrs Walker supported this "industrial education" that prepared African Americans for a variety of careers including business, teaching, domestic labor and sewing.
Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, MAWA 99.116
Receipt (bottom)
November 11, 1929
A receipt from the National Training School for Women and Girls dated November 1929 for Mrs. Walker's donation of $25.00 for the building fund. Mrs. Walker served on their board of directors and was one of the first donors to the school, created in Washington DC by Nannie Helen Burroughs. Mrs Walker's early support attracted other donors and cemented the friendship between the two women. The school exists today as the Nannie Helen Burroughs School, a prestigious elementary school in Washington DC.
Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, MAWA 99.101